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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:48:01

beat up

英 [bi:t ʌp]

美 [bit ʌp]

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1. gather

e.g. drum up support

Synonym: drum uprally

2. give a beating to
subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression

e.g. Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night
The teacher used to beat the students

Synonym: beatwork over

1. 痛打;殴打
If someone beats a person up, they hit or kick the person many times.

beat up

e.g. Then they actually beat her up as well...
e.g. The government supporters are beating up anyone they suspect of favouring the demonstrators.

2. 对…忧心忡忡;因为…而自责
If you beat yourself up about something, you worry about it a lot or blame yourself for it.

e.g. Tell them you don't want to do it any more. Don't beat yourself up about it...
e.g. I don't beat myself up. I don't deal with things I can't handle.

1. 破旧的:beat-out 疲倦不堪的 | beat-up 破旧的 | beata 受赐福妇女


2. 掉抢:beat reception 差拍接收 | beat up 掉抢 | beat up 迎风破浪

There was one acquaintance who had not done well in prison; he was in there for two years, and he got beat up quite a bit, and wasn't able to defend himself.(有个熟人,他在牢里过得不好。他关了两年了,老被打,没办法保护自己。)
CITY - NIGHT a SCREECH OF BRAKES as a vehicle WIPES FRAME, revealing — JAKE SULLY, a scarred and scruffy combat vet, sitting in a beat up carbon-fiber wheelchair.(城市——晚上的刹车声像一辆擦拭框架,揭示——萨里·杰克,一个有伤疤衣冠不整的战斗兽医,坐在年久失修残破的碳纤维轮椅上。)
Not with that bird up there!” Sucre looks down to the base of the quarry and sees a small mobile home next to a beat up old car.(Sucre往下面的采石场基地望去,看到一间小型活动住房,旁边是一辆老爷车。)
Other than the fact that it was pretty beat up by the time that the design process was over, it was exactly the airplane that Boeing shipped.(除了在设计过程完成之后会有新机型取代它之外,它就是波音公司出售的飞机。)
Most of them are former skinheads who are just tired to beat up black people without any ideology.(他们中大多数人以前都是光头,都无缘故地打过黑人。)
I've heard people say he used to beat up on his wife.(我听说他以前常打妻子。)
You gonna beat up everybody?(你要毒打每一个人?)
Tess beat up the long hill still faster; but she could not outwalk them without exciting notice.(苔丝加快了脚步,向漫长的山上走去;但是她硬要走在他们的前面,就难免不引起他们的注意。)
Sunday morning, we come home beat up and sleep all afternoon.(礼拜天早上,我们鼻青脸肿地回家然后睡一个下午。)
She beat up the eggs.(她把鸡蛋打好了。)
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